All orders are covered by a 60-day guarantee. According to the manufacturer the cooling cartridges are made of a spongy substance and should be changed every 1 to 3 month, depending on how you use them. We were able to prove that ChillWell AC was multi-dimensional. You can take the device with you anywhere. As long as you can charge your smartphone, you can use ChillWell. We previously dismissed the Honeywell MO08CESWB6 as not being powerful or efficient enough, but this newer model seems to be able reach our threshold. This portable air cooler can be used by everyone and anyone who wants to stay cool on hot summer days. This is because it helps in cooling one's environment thereby making it possible for the person to feel very comfortable because it helps in avoiding heat which is very common in hot weathers. ChillWell AC will help you to reduce your electricity costs as the majority comes from evaporation. We used it to clean our vehicles, RVs, bedrooms, offices, living areas, garages, and even the garage. Evaporative coolers, or swamp coolers, are closely related.