The ChillWell Portable Cooler is ideal for keeping you cool during warmer temperatures. If you notice mold on your ChillWell or it has a musty smell, turn the unit off and clean it thoroughly before continuing to use it. Keep cool in hot weather and reduce your electricity charges. This allows you to cool down (pun intended). Moreover, it improves efficiency, joy, unwinding, etc. While air conditioning systems may cost hundreds of dollars, the majority of people will not notice any difference in electricity bills. Fully chargedAfter you take your unit out the box, the very first thing to do is charge it up. It's possible that you have a few extra cords at home, as this is a very common cable. ChillWell Portable air conditioners are easy to operate. Fill the 550ml reservoir with water. Perfect for those hot summers days. This makes it one of the Internet's top-rated portable air cooling devices. For instance a package of 3 cost $201.99 making each one about $67.3.