These products should always be helpful, and we should be able with our experience of product reviews to point those aspects out. You can only request refunds on products that have not been used. It takes 30 seconds for the AC to kick in. This can help to prevent the drying of skin or lips, as well as the throat and nose. This initially led to some inconsistent temperatures. We can help you make the right choice (the very first time) whether it's about finding great products, or getting helpful advice. This gadget is extremely strong and designed to help cool in multiple ways. Chillwell AC is offered with a 60-day money-back guarantee. Chillwell AC comes as a portable AC that is easy-to-manage. This product isn't like the fakes sold online. We are a premier supplier of surplus items (Used Like New). This is a three-in one unit with modes for cooling only, dehumidifying, and fan-only.